Laboratory Furniture
The laboratory workstation’s comes with power supplies in the 19” plug-in systems in either 3HU, 6HU or JBRLab.
Highest functionality in a homogeneous design due to coordinated development of furniture and instruments in one house.
Suitable for application in:
- Industry (development, testing, installation)
- Education (experiment and workstation in field of electrical engineering and electronic)
Laboratory Furniture is specially designed to meet various laboratory requirements.
Bench Top
The bench top is constructed wholly of three-ply fine grain chipboard with 25mm thickness. Both surfaces are coated with scratch and heat resistant melamine resin. All edges of the table is protected by a 3mm thick impact-resistant PVC band.
Bench Frame
Welded metal frame of rectangular steel tubing 40x40mm. Surfaces finished with baked epoxy powder, approx. 50 to 70 micron thick. Suitable for the mounting of bench top. All 4 feet are supported by height-adjustable plastic.
JBR chairs are never out of place in the most individualistic laboratory or classroom environment. They create an unified interior with colours to harmonize with the furniture.